Staff Access

Services for Specific Populations
General Information:
- Autism Support Centers- MA Dept. of Health & Human Services
- Department of Developmental Services (DDS)- On August 6, 2014, Governor Patrick signed the Autism Omnibus Bill into law as Ch. 226 of the Acts of 2014. The law extended DDS eligibility to many persons with Autism, Prader Willi Syndrome and Smith-Magenis syndrome. Many individuals with autism do not have an IQ lower than 70 (previously required for DDS eligibility) but do have significant functional limitations (self care issues, mobility, learning issues). Rather than relying solely on an IQ criteria, DDS is now required to use the federal definition of “developmental disability” to expand eligibility to adults with ASD and PW who meet conditions for “substantial functional limitations”.
- Autism Resources for Families- from mass.gov. Provides autism resource handouts for families, divided by age group.
- Autism Services in Massachusetts - Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee, November 2015
- Asperger/Autism Network - provides MA individuals, families, and professionals with information, education, community, support, and advocacy
- Insurance Coverage
- State and federal law require Medicaid/MassHealth to cover medically necessary treatments for children with autism who are under 21 years old – including Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapies as well as dedicated and non-dedicated Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices (as of July 2014).
- Since 2010 state law has required coverage under commercial insurance.
- Autism Insurance Resource Center provides information by phone or e-mail on insurance coverage for autism-related treatments and services. - MGH Community News, January 2017
- Reference/More Information
- Autism Resources in Massachusetts- The Basics for Parents/Guardians- MGH Social Service, family education document (Rev 5/19)
- MGH Autism Resources
- Autism Toolkit for Pediatricians and Family Support Handouts/Website from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - MGH Community News, October 2012
ABA Services- Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Transitioning to Adulthood
- Transitioning Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Resources and Timeline Planning for Adult Living - Guide from the Massachusetts Autism Consortium that has sections on High School Education planning, Guardianship, Independent Living Skills, Post-Secondary Education, Employment, Healthcare, Housing, Recreation and Day Rehabilitation Programs, Public Benefits and Government Agencies, and Financial Planning.
- 3LPlace (Transitioning to Adulthood for those with Autism and other Developmental Disabilities, MGH Community News, May 2013)
- 3LPlace has developed a comprehensive transition curriculum which is free to families, educators, and non-profit organizations. For more information, see their brochure.
Wandering Resources
(Link to Alzheimer's/Dementia wandering resources)
Program Highlights
Rev 5/19 |